What makes some digital marketing campaigns winners while others fall flat? If you’ve been in the game for a while, that’s something that you will no doubt have already asked yourself. It’s a difficult question to nail down an answer to.
Sometimes, what worked brilliantly in one campaign fails miserably in another. It’s enough to make you wonder if you need to get yourself a crystal ball or find yourself a lucky rabbit’s foot. Before you set off in search of a very unlucky rabbit – how lucky would you feel if someone chopped off your feet – give us a minute here.
Digital marketing is complex, but there is a lot that you can do to create winning campaigns time after time. Your first step is to understand as much as possible about the subject. This is why we’ve sourced a valuable resource for you.
The infographic by Serpwatch that you’ll find below will give you a wealth of information on the topic. There’s a lot more to learn besides, but this will give you the head start you need to begin crushing digital marketing today.
Before you get to that, though, let’s look at the main factors of a successful digital campaign.
By this, we don’t mean that the content itself is well-researched, although it really should be. What we mean is that every aspect of the campaign should be researched upfront.
Which prospects are going to be targeted? Can you divide them into groups based on their buying history, needs, demographics, etc.?
The better you know the person who will be receiving your message, the more targeted the message you will create. The better targeted the message, the higher the CTR is bound to be.
You also want to know what platform is best for getting your message across. Where do your prospects hang out while online? What social media sites do they use? When is the best time to send your message?
Find out as much as possible about your target market so that you can create several mini-campaigns under the umbrella of the main one.
Expertly Crafted
Whatever you put out there creates an impression of your brand. If your message is hastily written and poorly constructed, your company is not going to come out looking good. You’ll need to communicate in a language that your target audience understands. That might mean using slang, emojis, and so forth. Just match the tone based on your target market.
Tested and Retested
This part of marketing is tedious. It’s fun to come up with new ideas and test them out. But ask yourself, “How can I make this better?” With an email campaign, for example, which subject lines work best?
There’s really only one way for you to find that out, and that’s by testing. Change one aspect of the campaign, such as the subject line, and see which email performs better. Carry on this split testing to enable you to hone the results carefully.
Final Notes
At the end of the day, research is the key to making every campaign successful. Research who you are sending the message to, and also research how tweaks in the message impact the results. It’s more work, granted, but it can improve your results tremendously.
Featured Image: freerangestock